The World’s First Known Surviving Set of All-Girl Sextuplets

Back in 1983, a U.K. couple who gave birth to the world’s fourth known surviving set of sextuplets were also the world’s first all-female sextuplets.

The girls, Hannah, Lucy, Ruth, Sarah, Kate and Jennifer were born on 18 November 1983 to parents Janet and Graham Walton who had no idea how or why, they had been blessed with six girls!
Janet Walton, their mother, recalled what a sonographer told her during her ultrasound. “She said, well, it looks as though you might be carrying more than one. So I thought, hurrah! It’s twins,” she told The Guardian.

Hectic is really not enough of a word to explain the Walton household when Janet and Graham were raising their six babies, all the same age. However, instead of sighing over it, the Waltons actually made it an enjoyable parenting journey. Since things were always busy, visitors were often asked to look after a baby with her diaper.

When the girls were asked about their future plans of having their own children, they all agreed on thing – six were a little too many! In fact, Ruth said, “I can’t wait to have one — or maybe two. But no more than that.”

babies are born

babies are born


babies are born


babies are born




Children sitting on shopping carts



go to school


go to school





go to school



go to school



And here they all are today!
